




Any ideas how I get rid of white space on my IE browser. It is caused by a hidden div. When I remove the div the white space goes. Works fine in FF.

Here is the DIV:

 <div class="hidden" id="popup">
  <H1 class="center" id="popupTitle"></H2><br/><br/><br/>
  <div style="position:relative; display:inline;">
   <p id="popupText" style="float: left"></p>
   <img id="popupImage" style="float: right"></img>

Here are the styles associated with it:

.ofCommunications .hidden    { display:none; visibility: hidden; }

I am also trying to get the p and the img inside the third div to display on the same line but that doesn't seem to be working either.

Thanks in advance Caroline


A couple of comments. Once you clean this up it might help to resolve this and other future headaches:

Remove your inline styles and put them in a stylesheet.

What is that second div doing under the hidden div? It looks redundant and unnecessary to me. Remove it.

If you're floating elements then you'll need to clear them down the track. This could be why you have things floating in the wrong spots.

Have you display:block'ed the p element next to the image and given it a width? Otherwise it's not going to float anyway.

Your h1 should not be uppercase.

Hope those few suggestions help out a bit.

I have absolutely no idea why that second div was there but it is gone now, so are the capital letters. Your suggestion about display:blocked actually fixed the first part of my issue. I had display:none on the class and later down the ID of the element had display:block and that obviously took precedence. Now all I need it to get the p and the img displaying inline. Thanks
A couple of notes: <p> is a block element by default, so he doesn't need to display: block (unless he overrode it somewhere, which it sounds like he might have). Also, applying a float will automatically convert that element to a block and float it.

Try this to get the <p> and <img> lined up:

    <p id="popupText" style="float: left"></p>
    <p style="float: right"><img id="popupImage" /></p>

I removed the position: relative because it's not needed with the code you provided, and the display: inline because it doesn't make sense to make the div inline.

I did that but the two elements are still not on the same line. I want to get the text to the left and the picture to the right.

Have you checked the widths of the parent elements? If a width is set too small on a parent element there will not be enough space to render your paragraph and image on the same line. This could cause your paragraph and image to render on different lines.
