




I'm having a problem with JSTL formatDate when displaying dates from MySQL database. I am using DAO layer for communication with database and in beans, dates are stored in java.util.Date objects. In JSP the code looks like this:

<fmt:parseDate value="${season.startDate}" pattern="dd.MM.yyyy."/>

When I try to run this page I get java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: "2009-09-01 00:00:00.0".I understand why this is unparseable but I don't know how to make it parseable. I am not sure if I can use parseLocale attribute because this date format is ANSI SQL date format and it is not represented by any Locale object.

Any ideas how to fix this using JSTL and EL?


Why are you trying to parse what already appears to be a date object ? Is season.startDate a String ? If it is a String, you need only change your parse format to yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.z. If it's not, then are you parsing the date instead of formatting it (...by accident) ?

Alex Marshall
Oh dear! It is by accident. Unfortunately, I lost half a day figuring it out. Thanks