I am writing a function that applies special formatting to predetermined keywords when printing a string. For example, in the string - "Why won't this work?" I might need to print the word "Why" underlined and in blue.
I've had to implement this in pieces, printing each segment of a string with a separate call to print. This approach works with one problem - I cannot get the spacing correct when printing the strings. My keywords print over top of previous default text and are overlapped in turn by text printed afterward.
I am using bounding rectangles to place my strings on the printed page.
RectangleF rectKeywordBounds = new RectangleF( 60.0, 60.0, 550.0, 1200.0);
Once I've printed a segment of the string, I modify the size of the rectangle by the number of characters drawn and I print the next segment of the string.
EArgs.Graphics.DrawString(strFragment, fontBlueItalics, Brushes.Blue, rectKeywordBounds );
iLastPrintIndex = strFragment.Length + iLastPrintIndex;
I've used this method to change the print position of the new string segment:
rectKeywordBounds = new Rectangle(rectKeywordBounds .X + iLastPrintIndex, rectKeywordBounds .Y, rectKeywordBounds .Width, rectKeywordBounds .Height);
And I've used this one:
properSpacing = new SizeF(-((float)iLastPrintIndex), 0.0f);
rectKeywordBounds .Inflate(properSpacing);
Both methods result in the same overlapping of segments. The following code advances a bounding rectangle in the fashion I expect, so why doesn't the concept work when printing text within the rectangle?
Rectangle rectKeywordBounds = new Rectangle(90, 90, 800, 100);
for (int x = 0; x < 6; x++)
EventArgs.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.BlueViolet, rectKeywordBounds );
rectKeywordBounds = new Rectangle(rectKeywordBounds .X + 15, rectKeywordBounds .Y + 200, rectKeywordBounds .Width, rectKeywordBounds .Height);