




I would really appreciate any help for this problem.

Basically I am using SSRS 2008 for reporting services. My choice of DB was MYSQL. So I installed ODBC MYSQL connector and created a DSN and used it in report design. If I preview the report in the Business Intellgence Dev Studio, I can see the records, but when I try to view in the local URL http://mycomputername%3Aport/Reports

it says , DataSource1 not found or driver not installed.

Can anyone please tell me if this is the problem with SSRS configurations or Do I need to make any changes further to make it work in a URL based scheme?



Any custom data source should be present in the rsreportserver.config file located in

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10.SQLEXPRESS\Reporting Services\ReportServer

(Your location will be different depending on SQL Server version /installed path etc.)

More specifically in the < Data > section. I would be surprised if the MySQL ODBC connector would facilitate this.

If it works in the designer, you would probably have a line in the RSReportDesigner.config file located in

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies

Copy that < Data > line and put it in the rsreportserver.config file.

Magnus Johansson