I like to be able to load a tooltip from a file "a la ajax" style.... but first i like to see if i am able to "transfert" html text to the title attribute
i use jquery and tooltip (from http://jquery.bassistance.de/tooltip/demo/)
here is the code
<div class="odeurbox">
<img src="odeurs/aiguilledepin.jpg"
width="67" height="67" />
Aiguille de pin </div>
<div class="tohide">
<h3>Agrumes :</h3>
<p>Les agrumes sont les fruits des végétaux des g....</p>
<em>Source : Le Petit Robert 2009</em></div>
that way, it will be super easy to edit (real text) not hidden into title attribute
- so,i need to add visibility : hidden to the css class tohide
- get the whole content of div with class .tohite and pu it in the previous div title
my jquery code i have done yet dont work... what should be the correct way to do that
in short, for each div with class .odeur get the content of the next (child?) tohide and put it in the attribute title=''
something like that dont work yet :
$('div.odeurbox').each(function(){$(this).attr("title", $('.tohide').html());});