I am representing a grid with a 2D list in python. I would like to pick a point (x,y) in the list and determine it's location...right edge, top left corner, somewhere in the middle...
Currently I am checking like so:
# left column, not a corner
if x == 0 and y != 0 and y != self.dim_y - 1:
# right column, not a corner
elif x == self.dim_x - 1 and y != 0 and y != self.dim_y - 1:
# top row, not a corner
elif y == 0 and x != 0 and x != self.dim_x - 1:
# bottom row, not a corner
elif y == self.dim_y - 1 and x != 0 and x != self.dim_x - 1:
# top left corner
elif x == 0 and y == 0:
# top right corner
elif x == self.dim_x - 1 and y == 0:
# bottom left corner
elif x == 0 and y == self.dim_y - 1:
# bottom right corner
elif x == self.dim_x - 1 and y == self.dim_y - 1:
# somewhere in middle; not an edge
Where I have some function do something after the location is determined
dim_x and dim_y are the dimensions of the list.
Is there a better way of doing this without so many if-else statements? Something efficient would be good since this part of the logic is being called a couple million times...it's for simulated annealing.
Thanks in advance. Also, what would be a better way of wording the title?