[NOTE:I am really looking for some good debugging techniques here. Perhaps some tricks or ways to simplify things of which I am unaware.]
I am using the technique of calling [WebMethods] defined in an ASPX page from JQuery as mentioned here and here. It seems to be an increasingly common method.
I've been using it for a while and, in general, it works great. But while developing it is pretty fragile. Any incorrect parameter will result in a really vague, non-specific, error message. For instance, if I have a fairly complex web method defined as:
public static string SaveComplexRecord(int recID, GeneralData general, SomeObject data, SomeOtherObject moreData)
//do a bunch of stuff with that data
And GeneralData, SomeObject, and SomeOtherObject all have a mix of various types of parameters (strings, ints, bools, datetimes.) It is very likely, especially during initial development, that I will build the JSON on the client side incorrectly. Perhaps I will do this:
var data = {
recID: curID,
a: aValue,
b: bValue,
c: cValue
d: dValue,
e: eValue,
f: fValue
g: gValue,
h: hValue,
i: iValue
Which will result in an error because the name of the third parameter is moreData, not moredata. And that's just an example, there could be any of a hundred other subtle typo-style errors.
If I were calling this method from C# the compiler would give me an error message something like "No overloaded method of SaveComplexRecord takes three parameters." or some other helpful message that points you in the right direction.
So... is there a way of getting ASP.Net to produce better error messages here?
Or is there some utility that will automatically build the JSON parameter structure of a [WebMethod] call? (just like you can automatically get the WSDL of a web service)
...or any other technique that I may be missing?
And for completeness here is how I call these WebMethods from JQuery:
var jsondata = $.toJSON(data);
type: "POST",
url: "MyWebPage.aspx/SaveComplexRecord",
data: jsondata,
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
beforeSend: function(xhr)
"application/json; charset=utf-8");
success: function(msg)
//do something on success
error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown)
alert("ERROR status:" + textStatus + " error:" + errorThrown);