Maybe a stupid question, but when I add item to a WPF project, Visual Studio only offers me UserControl, and not Window. Is this trying to encourage me to do MVVM, is my setup broken, or is there some other reason I haven't thought of?
2009-09-27 20:57:13
Your project is probably configured as a WinForms project, or possibly as a class library. If it's created as either of these, you are only able to add a WPF UserControl, unfortunately.
Of course, there's no technical reason for this limitation, so you can copy/paste one from another project or recreate/change your project to be a WPF project.
I'm not sure what you change exactly to make it a WPF project in VS's eyes. You might try creating a new project and diffing it to your current project. You will most likely have to do some text editing on your .csproj
Drew Noakes
2009-09-27 22:31:20
Thanks, I copy-pasted this from another project, and now see the same as you: <ProjectTypeGuids>{60dc8134-eba5-43b8-bcc9-bb4bc16c2548};{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}</ProjectTypeGuids>
2009-09-28 05:41:09
No problem. You're welcome.
Drew Noakes
2009-09-28 07:00:06