I have a project where it's dependent on Oracle Hosted web services (not WCF). I have a copy of the WSDLs for the services and their correlated XSDs.
What is the proper way of generating the proxies and datacontract assembly for this?
I started with
XSD.exe /c /language:CS user.xsd
For each of my xsds. This generate a bunch of class objects with shared type violations (same object in all of the classes) so I pruned all the duplicates so they had single declarations.
Then built that assembly with only my classes files "datacontracts.dll"
Then I generated my service clients
svcutil.exe user.wsdl /n*:SomeNameSpace /r:datacontracts.dll /noconfig
But this didn't really seem to give what i want since it still caused all of the duplication of the classes inside the service clients.
Inside the classes generated from the XSDs I did notice each class definition had
[XmlType(Namespace = "urn:/crmondemand/xml/...")]
Do I need to place that attribute the way it shows up on repeated classes once for each class inside where I have made it be the singular class? So that I would have
[XmlType(Namespace = "urn:/crmondemand/xml/user")]
[XmlType(Namespace = "urn:/crmondemand/xml/campaign")]
[XmlType(Namespace = "urn:/crmondemand/xml/lead")]
public class SharedClass
Or am I approaching this wrong?