Here is the .NET Regular Expression that I am using to create a strong password (which is not correct for my project password requirements):
Password requirements:
- Minimum 15 Character (up to 25)
- Two Numbers
- Two Uppercase Letters
- Two Lowercase Letters
- Two Special Characters
! @ # $ % & + ~ ?
They are not required to be beside one another & in the specific order as the Regular Expression that I pasted requires.
The above Regular Expression requires a password like this: 12abCD!@QWertyP
It REQUIRES them in the specific order in the RE... which is not what I want!
This should pass a correctly formatted RE with the specifications listed above: Qq1W!w2Ee#3Rr4@Tt5
How can I remove the necessity for them to be beside one another and in order?? Obviously the password should be random if the person so chooses.