In my current project, we got a rather unusual request(to me). The client wants all the deletion procedure to mark a flag instead of physically delete the record from the database table. It looks pretty easy at the first glance. I just have change
public void DeleteRecord(Record record)
public IList GetAllRecords()
public void DeleteRecord(Record record)
record.Deleted = true;
public IList GetAllRecords()
But as after I get a bit of time and think though again. I found that this little change would cause a huge problem in my cascade settings. As I am pretty new to the Active Record business. I wouldn't trust myself to simply change all the CascaeEnum.Delete to CascadeEnum.SaveUpdate. So, I am looking some input here.
1) Is the mark a flag instead of physical requirement a common one?
2) If the answer to question 1 is Yes, then I believe there is something built-in in NHibernate to handle this. Can someone tell me what is the right approach for this kind of problem?
Thanks for your input.