I am about to redesign an Online Magazine which was built in Plone. And I am going to do it in Django. (For the simple reason that I like Django and that I have to maintain this particular site for (basically) free.)
However I am unsure about the way I should design the Models. Basically the idea is to have a Site structure - which in Plone mapped to a few folders with content objects inside.
Here is a very simple layout - omitting all irrelevant (?) details.
class Category(models.Model):
parent = models.ForeignKey('self')
# stuff like description, slug etc.
class Article(models.Model):
category = models.ForeignKey(Catgegory)
# teaser stuff
The question is:
How can I extend, change or mutilate this layout to enable a user of this app to add custom article-like items which could still be handled by a list_items_in_category
Related - this kinda solve the problem:
I just realized how similar this problem is to tagging. The excellent `django-tagging' app already solved this. However there are some differences.