I have strings in the form: "[user:fred][priority:3]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet." where the area enclosed in square brackets is a tag (in the format [key:value]). I need to be able to remove a specific tag given it's key with the following extension method:
public static void RemoveTagWithKey(this string message, string tagKey) {
if (message.ContainsTagWithKey(tagKey)) {
var regex = new Regex(@"\[" + tagKey + @":[^\]]");
message = regex.Replace(message , string.Empty);
public static bool ContainsTagWithKey(this string message, string tagKey) {
return message.Contains(string.Format("[{0}:", tagKey));
Only the tag with the specified key should be removed from the string. My regex doesn't work because it's daft. I need help to write it properly. Alternatively, an implementation without regex is welcome.