



Lets say I have a string:

"(aaa and bbb or (aaa or aaa or bbb))"

**for simplicity sake, this will always be the format of the string, always 3 a's followed by a space or ')' or 3b's followed by a space or ')'.

what would be the best way to replace every occurence of 'aaa' with a '1' and everyoccurrence of 'bbb' with a '0' in C. ending string should look like:

"(1 and 0 or (1 or 1 or 0))"

EDIT Let me be more specific:

char* blah = (char *) malloc (8);
sprintf(blah, "%s", "aaa bbb");

blah = replace(blah);

how can I write replace so that it allocates space and stores a new string

"1 0"
+1  A: 

For this specific case, a simple while/for loop would do the trick. But it looks like a homework problem, so I won't write it explicitly for you. Had more generic string manipulations be required, I would use pcre.

+1 for using PCRE.

You can try a loop for each replacement using the functions std::find and std::replace. You will find more informations about std::string here.

Patrice Bernassola
This is a C question, not C++.
Oki, I read to fast...
Patrice Bernassola
It's ok, we all do it.

This is in no way the worlds most elegant solution, and it also assumes that the ending string is always going to be a smaller size than the original, oh and I hardcoded the conversions, but hopefully it points you more or less in the right direction or gives you an idea to jump off from:

char* replace( char *string ) {
    char *aaa = NULL;
    char *bbb = NULL;
    char *buffer = malloc( strlen( string ) );
    int length = 0;
    aaa = strstr( string, "aaa" );
    bbb = strstr( string, "bbb" );
    while ( aaa || bbb ) {
     if ( aaa && (bbb || aaa < bbb ) ) {
      char startToHere = aaa - string;
      strncpy( buffer, string, startToHere );
      string += startToHere;
      length += startToHere;
      buffer[length] = '1';
     else if ( bbb ) {
      char startToHere = aaa - string;
      strncpy( buffer, string, startToHere );
      string += startToHere;
      length += startTohere;
      buffer[length] = '0';
     aaa = strstr( string, "aaa" );
     bbb = strstr( string, "bbb" );
    buffer[length] = '\0';
    string = realloc( string, length );
    strcpy( string, buffer );
    free( buffer );

    return string;

Disclaimer, I didn't even test this, but it should be at least semi in the direction of what you want.

+4  A: 

The most efficient way is to use regex family which is POSIX. Some implementation will build a proper automaton for the patterns. Another way is to repeatedly use KMP or Boyer-Moore search, but you have to scan the string several times, which is less efficient. In addition, what results you want given such input: aa=1, ab=2, bb=3 on string "aabb"?

By the way, when you implement this function, a cleaner solution is to allocate a new dynamic C string and not to modify the original string while replacing. You could implement a in-place replacement, but that would be much more complicated.

regex_t r; regmatch_t match[2]; int last = 0;
regcomp(&r, "(aaa|bbb)", REG_EXTENDED);
insert(hashtable, "aaa", "0"); insert(hashtable, "bbb", "1");
while (regexec(&r, oristr, 1, match, 0) != REG_NOMATCH) {
  char *val;
  strncat(newstr, oristr + last, match->rm_so);
  lookup(hashtable, oristr + match->rm_so, match->rm_eo - match->rm_so, &val);
  last = match->rm_eo;
  strncat(newstr, val);
strcat(newstr, oristr + last);
oristr = realloc(oristr, strlen(newstr));
strcpy(oristr, newstr); free(newstr); regfree(&r);

In practical implementation, you should change the size of newstr dynamically. You should record the end of newstr rather than using strcat/strlen. The source code may be buggy as I have not really tried it. But the idea is there. This is the most efficient implementation I can think of.

okay, i edited ? to make it allocate new space. not sure what you mean by input: aa=1,ab=2,bb=3.
I mean to replace aa with 1, ab with 2 and bb with 3. You may get "13" or "a2b".
+1 for addressing the overlapping string case

This is a job for a FSM!

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

//     | 0          | 1             | 2              | 3             | 4              |
// ----+------------+---------------+----------------+---------------+----------------+
// 'a' | 1          | 2             | ('1') 0        | ('b') 1       | ('bb') 1       |
// 'b' | 3          | ('a') 3       | ('aa') 3       | 4             | ('0') 0        |
// NUL | (NUL) halt | ('a'NUL) halt | ('aa'NUL) halt | ('b'NUL) halt | ('bb'NUL) halt |
// (*) | (*) 0      | ('a'*) 0      | ('aa'*) 0      | ('b'*) 0      | ('bb'*) 0      |

void chg_data(char *src) {
  char *dst, ch;
  int state = 0;
  dst = src;
  for (;;) {
    ch = *src++;
    if (ch == 'a' && state == 0) {state=1;}
    else if (ch == 'a' && state == 1) {state=2;}
    else if (ch == 'a' && state == 2) {state=0; *dst++='1';}
    else if (ch == 'a' && state == 3) {state=1; *dst++='b';}
    else if (ch == 'a' && state == 4) {state=1; *dst++='b'; *dst++='b';}
    else if (ch == 'b' && state == 0) {state=3;}
    else if (ch == 'b' && state == 1) {state=3; *dst++='a';}
    else if (ch == 'b' && state == 2) {state=3; *dst++='a'; *dst++='a';}
    else if (ch == 'b' && state == 3) {state=4;}
    else if (ch == 'b' && state == 4) {state=0; *dst++='0';}
    else if (ch == '\0' && state == 0) {*dst++='\0'; break;}
    else if (ch == '\0' && state == 1) {*dst++='a'; *dst++='\0'; break;}
    else if (ch == '\0' && state == 2) {*dst++='a'; *dst++='a'; *dst++='\0'; break;}
    else if (ch == '\0' && state == 3) {*dst++='b'; *dst++='\0'; break;}
    else if (ch == '\0' && state == 4) {*dst++='b'; *dst++='b'; *dst++='\0'; break;}
    else if (state == 0) {state=0; *dst++=ch;}
    else if (state == 1) {state=0; *dst++='a'; *dst++=ch;}
    else if (state == 2) {state=0; *dst++='a'; *dst++='a'; *dst++=ch;}
    else if (state == 3) {state=0; *dst++='b'; *dst++=ch;}
    else if (state == 4) {state=0; *dst++='b'; *dst++='b'; *dst++=ch;}
    else assert(0 && "this didn't happen!");

int main(void) {
  char data[] = "(aaa and bbb or (aaa or aaa or bbb))";
  printf("Before: %s\n", data);
  printf(" After: %s\n", data);
  return 0;

Here it is without memory limitation:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Name       : replace - Search & replace a substring by another one. 
  Creation   : Thierry Husson, Sept 2010
  Parameters :
      str    : Big string where we search
      oldstr : Substring we are looking for
      newstr : Substring we want to replace with
      count  : Optional pointer to int (input / output value). NULL to ignore.  
               Input:  Maximum replacements to be done. NULL or < 1 to do all.
               Output: Number of replacements done or -1 if not enough memory.
  Returns    : Pointer to the new string or NULL if error.
  Notes      : 
     - Case sensitive - Otherwise, replace functions "strstr" by "strcasestr"
     - Always allocate memory for the result.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
char* replace(const char *str, const char *oldstr, const char *newstr, int *count)
   const char *tmp = str;
   char *result;
   int   found = 0;
   int   length, reslen;
   int   oldlen = strlen(oldstr);
   int   newlen = strlen(newstr);
   int   limit = (count != NULL && *count > 0) ? *count : -1; 

   tmp = str;
   while ((tmp = strstr(tmp, oldstr)) != NULL && found != limit)
      found++, tmp += oldlen;

   length = strlen(str) + found * (newlen - oldlen);
   if ( (result = (char *)malloc(length+1)) == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory\n");
      found = -1;
   } else {
      tmp = str;
      limit = found; /* Countdown */
      reslen = 0; /* length of current result */ 
      /* Replace each old string found with new string  */
      while ((limit-- > 0) && (tmp = strstr(tmp, oldstr)) != NULL) {
         length = (tmp - str); /* Number of chars to keep intouched */
         strncpy(result + reslen, str, length); /* Original part keeped */ 
         strcpy(result + (reslen += length), newstr); /* Insert new string */
         reslen += newlen;
         tmp += oldlen;
         str = tmp;
      strcpy(result + reslen, str); /* Copies last part and ending nul char */
   if (count != NULL) *count = found;
   return result;

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int main(void)
   char *str, *str2;
   int rpl;

   /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* Simple sample */
   rpl = 0; /* Illimited replacements */
   str = replace("Hello World!", "World", "Canada", &rpl);
   printf("Replacements: %d\tResult: [%s]\n\n", rpl, str);
   /* Replacements: 1        Result: [Hello Canada!] */

   /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* Sample with dynamic memory to clean */
   rpl = 0; /* Illimited replacements */
   str = strdup("abcdef");
   if ( (str2 = replace(str, "cd", "1234", &rpl)) != NULL ) {
      str = str2;
   printf("Replacements: %d\tResult: [%s]\n\n", rpl, str);
   /* Replacements: 1        Result: [ab1234ef] */

   /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /* Illimited replacements - Case sensitive & Smaller result */
   str = replace("XXXHello XXXX world XX salut xxx monde!XXX", "XXX", "-",NULL);
   printf("Result: [%s]\n\n", str);
   /* Result: [-Hello -X world XX salut xxx monde!-] */

   /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   rpl = 3; /* Limited replacements */
   str = replace("AAAAAA", "A", "*", &rpl);
   printf("Replacements: %d\tResult: [%s]\n\n", rpl, str);
   /* Replacements: 3        Result: [***AAA] */

  return 0;
Thierry H.