



Can anyone tell me if there a way to see if an action contains any code?

Action x = new Action(()=>


should return false, while

Action x = new Action(()=>
                var x = "i am a string" 

should return true.

Perhaps using reflection?

+3  A: 

Maybe this will help:

        Action x = new Action(() =>
            var xx = "i am a string";

        Action x1 = new Action(() =>


        MethodBody mb = x.Method.GetMethodBody();
        MethodBody mb1 = x1.Method.GetMethodBody();

        byte[] b = mb.GetILAsByteArray();
        byte[] b1 = mb1.GetILAsByteArray();

b1 (empty method body) has only 2 bytes, values 0 and 42 meaning nop and return, I think.

grega g