hi i got problems to get my regex to work. im working with C# asp.net i will post the code i use now and what i cant get to work is the second regex to get whatever is in the href="LINK"
thx in advance
var textBody = "lorem ipsum... <a href='http://www.link.com'>link</a>";
var urlTagPattern = new Regex(@"<a.*?href=[""'](?<url>.*?)[""'].*?>(?<name>.*?)</a>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
var hrefPattern = new Regex(@"HREF={:q}\>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
var urls = urlTagPattern.Matches(textBody);
foreach (Match url in urls)
var hrefs = hrefPattern.Match(url.ToString());
litStatus.Text = hrefs.ToString();