Setup project - Deployment project properties - using [ProductVersion] inside Description property
The Description property of the setup
project stands for the MSI standard
property ARPCOMMENTS. If we set the
value of the Description property of a
setup project, an item will be added
to the Properties table in the
resulted MSI package to set the value
of the ARPCOMMENTS property.
The remarks part of the MSDN document
about Property table mentions:
"You cannot use the Property table to
set a property to the value of another
property. The installer does nothing
to the text string entered in the
Value column before setting the
property in the Property column."
"This is necessary to prevent creating
circular references in the Property
table. Instead, you can set one
property to another by using a Custom
Action Type 51."
So the solution of your problem is to
add a type 51 custom action to the MSI
package. Unfortunately, Visual Studio
doesn't support adding a type 51
custom action in the setup project. I
suggest that you do this using Orca.
The following are the steps to add a
type 51 custom action to an MSI
1. Build your setup project in Visual Studio.
2. Open the resulted MSI package with Orca.
3. Locate the CustomAction table in the left list and add a new row in
this table as follows:
Action Type Source
[ProductVersion] ...
4. Locate the InstallExecuteSequence table and add a new row to call the
above custom action. You can sequence
the call to the custom action after
the DIRCA_TARGETDIR action. For
Action Condition Sequence
Set_ARPCOMMENTS NOT Installed 760
5. Save the changes.
6. Install the modified MSI package on the target machine.
Hope this helps. If you have any
question, please feel free to let me
Sincerely, Linda Liu