I eventually figured out the answer to this myself. I discovered a class in System.Xml.LINQ called XStreamingElement that can create an XML structure on-the-fly from a LINQ expression. Here's an example of casting a DataTable into an XML-space.
Dictionary<string,DataTable> Tables = new Dictionary<string,DataTable>();
// ... populate dictionary of tables ...
XElement TableRoot = new XStreamingElement("Tables",
from t in Tables
select new XStreamingElement(t.Key,
from DataRow r in t.Value.Rows
select new XStreamingElement("row",
from DataColumn c in t.Value.Columns
select new XElement(c.ColumnName, r[c])))))
The result is an XElement (TableRoot) with a structure similar to the following, assuming the dictionary contains one table called "Orders" with two rows.
That can be merged with a larger XElement/XDocument based hierarchy and queried with XPath.