



Help me with this algorithm please.

 var companies = companyrepository.GetAll().OrderBy(sidx + " " + sord).Skip(pageIndex * pageSize).Take(pageSize);
string where = "";

if (op == "eq")
  where = field + "=" + data;
else if (op == "cn")
  where = field + " LIKE '%"+data+"%'"; ///here lies my problem

companies = companies.Where(where);

its for adding dynamic where clauses to a linq query... op, field, and data are all strings that come with ajax from a jquery grid.

The problem is that it gives me an error when it tries to do the Like operator... it works just fine with the equals operator.


Based on this page, the following should work for you:

if (op == "eq")
  where = field + "=" + data;
else if (op == "cn")
  where = field + ".Contains(\"" + data + "\")";

I ran some tests on my own data, and it appears to work fine.

Ryan Versaw