I've been fighting with this for a while, so I think it's better to ask the big guys.
I have the following function which I use to creage GMarkers with some information
function createMarker(data, html) {
var marker = new GMarker(new GLatLng(data.latlng.y, data.latlng.x));
var html = "Provider: "+ data.name.data + "<br/>" +
"Address: " + data.address.data + "<br/>" +
"Phone: " + data.phone.data + "<br/>" +
'<a href="javascript:zoomit(' + data.latlng.y + ',' + data.latlng.x + ')">Zoom<\/a>';
GEvent.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {
return marker;
As you can see, I have a link in the info window to zoom the map, and this is the part I'm having problems now. I want to zoom the map to a specific zoom level when the user clicks on that link.
Any Ideas?