ive been searching throughout msdn, but i dont know what I should be searching for exactly...how do I access the child elements of a user control, I do not wish to create a new custom control that renders its own html, the html output is a simple repeater in an ascx file, it looks like this:
<asp:repeater id="rpContent" runat="server" onitemdatabound="rpContent_itemdatabound">
<headertemplate><ul class="displaypanel"></headertemplate>
<li class="on">
<a href="javascript://">tab header</a>
what goes here is tab content
I want implementation to look like this:
<bni:tabs id="tabs" runat="server">
<tab srcId="id1" />
<tab srcId="id2" />
so basically in the code behind, i want to retrieve the collection of children in an array or list, and do some work with the ids, then bind the result set to my repeater...