what is the equivalent of the .hgignore mercurial file in bazaar
.bzrignore (at the top of the repository tree), or ~/.bazaar/ignore (for global ignores). Much more information is easily found on the Bazaar site/tutorial - e.g. http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr-0.9/tutorial.html.
Adam Wright
2009-10-01 12:55:42
If you are on Windows the global ignore file is in C:\Document and Settings*Your User Name*\Application Data\Bazzar\2.0\ignore
Patrick Regan
2009-10-02 19:30:51
Also you can add individual ignores via command line. "bzr ignore *.txt" would ignore all with the .txt extention. Not exactly what you were looking for, but it works as well.Underneath it just adds things to the ignore file in that repo.
Patrick Regan
2009-10-02 19:55:25
I think that using **%appdata%\*Bazaar*\2.0\ignore** is better because actually i am using Vista
2009-10-03 10:11:13