



I have an ASP.NET website with several standard pages like an About page, FAQ pages, Contact Info pages, etc. I would like to make the content on those pages easily editable by a few users through a backend web interface. The editor does not need to be fancy, or WYSIWYG, in fact I would prefer it use some sort of wiki markup, as long as there is a web interface which can be setup on a subdomain of the website. I don't have a preference as to how the content is stored, I can go for an XML or a SQL Server store. I would like to be able to place a control on the part of the page that needs the editable content, and not integrate the rest of the page with the CMS. I don't need extensive workflow functions, maybe just edit logging with the user who made the edit.

+1  A: 

I would treat your editable HTML content for each page as a normal text field in a database and present it in a TextArea control on your admin edit page. Then you can take your pick of Javascript driven HTML editors to transform the text area with html code in it into a nice editor with the required editing capabilities.

There are many text area replace editors such as FCKEditor or FreeTextBox, but my current favorite is TinyMCE editor:

You can use a stripped down config like this one for a simpler experience:

or a BBCode style one like this:

+2  A: 
Eduardo Molteni