



Has anyone been successful sending a web2lead form via ajax submission (jquery ajax object)?

I'm having a heck of a time getting this to work.

I have a form on a page that submits to salesforce without ajax, just fine.

When I add in jquery's plugin for validation and then use jquery's $.ajax function to submit the page, NOTHING. (i know my ajax code is working because I used it elsewhere outside of salesforce and it works, so no question here).

There is a hidden form field labeled: "retURL". Basically if the form submits properly, the web2lead api will take the value in the retURL field and redirect you to that value.

The form submits and redirects to the said value in retURL, but nothing gets populated in salesforce.

Anyone know what I'm missing?


sorry folks, but I'm not with the company anymore so this question will never be answered until I work with salesforce again with another client... sorry.
