I've got 5 records in Lucene index.
a.Record 1 contains--tax analysis.Date field value is March 2009
b.Record 2 contains--Senior tax analyst.Date field value is Aug 2009
c.Record 3 contains--Senior tax analyst.Date field value is July 2009
d.Record 4 contains--tax analyst.Date field value is Feb 2009
e.Record 5 contains--Senior tax analyst.Date field value is Oct 2009
If the input keyword is senior tax analyst,then search results should come up in the following order:
a.Record 5--because this record is has got the most recent date and has got the matching phrase
b.Record 2--because this record has got second most recent date and has got the matching phrase
c.Record 3--because this record has got third most recent date and has got the matching phrase
d.Record 4
e.Record 1
Basically,I want to show the most relevant records grouped by date and sorted in descending order by date.And then, I want to show remaining records sorted by descending value of relevancy. How do i achieve this with Lucene?
Please help.
Thanks for reading.