



I just upgraded my BDS2006 Prof to D2010 Prof. I usually use Interbase component (TIBDatabase, etc) to connect with the database. I am thinking about other alternative components. Sadly, Zeos component (6.X) currently still not working with D2009/D2010. DBExpress support FB connection but not in Prof. Version (only in Enterprise/Architect). What component(s) you suggest for me? (I prefer a free good component, but it is okay if it is a very good, stable, robust, not so expensive and well supported commercial product).


You can try IBProvider (OLE DB Firebird driver and Interbase provider), This very well documented, updated (last version 13-08-2009) and has great support.

The access to Firebird from Delphi using this provider, you may choose among the following variants:

  • Interact with ADO via COM interfaces.
  • Use dbGo (ADO Express) components.

Supports the following versions of firebird

  • Firebird 1.0 (1.0.3)
  • Firebird 1.5 (1.5.3, 1.5.4, 1.5.5)
  • Firebird 2.0 (2.0.1 - 2.0.x)
  • Firebird 2.1
  • Firebird 2.5
  • Firebird 64 bits


Thank you for the recommendation, but more than 100USD for such component is still expensive for me.
+2  A: 

The best library for Delphi-Firebird interaction is FIBPlus. But it is quite expensive - $348 per one license

Yes it is too expensive. D2010 cost me around 480 USD. 348 USD for a component is too much.
+4  A: 

You can also use :

Hugues Van Landeghem
+1  A: 

There is also a free dbExpress driver for FireBird which can be used in Delphi 2010 Pro.

Ok, I'll give it a try. Tq.

Another free option is to use the free ODBC driver and the dbGo components. I use them and they work pretty well.

Firebird ODBC Driver

ODBC means slower connection :) I need the native. Thx anyway!
Understood! I will say that I've been pretty pleased with the ODBC connectors speed, but my performance needs are not super high on my project. Good luck! Firebird has been a joy to work with so far for me.