



Hi There,

Does anyone know if it's possible to extend the analyze functionality of Reflector? When you select a type and click "Analyze" and then in that analyze window you get the options of "Depends On", "Used By", "Exposed By" or "Instantiated By". I would like to get that output and send it to a file.

Thanks in advance, Allan

+1  A: 

There is a list addins for reflector here and the first one seems to do what you want. I have not tried it myself.

Update: A better link to codeplex for reflector add ins link text It includes a file disassembler add in

The first link I posted at is pretty old.


You might want to try NDepend instead

Mike Two
Yeah, i've looked at the addins for reflector on codeplex and they didn't have what I was looking for. I'm not looking at taking a binary and outputting the source code, what I want is to find out for a type or class, where it's been called.
Allan Palmer
You might want something other than Reflector like NDepend. Updated answer
Mike Two

To the best of my knowledge, the Analyze part of Reflector is not easily extended. However if a all you want to get is a listing of what is shown in the Analyze tree (it is a TreeView control) ... then I maybe able to help you with this. It sounds like it would fit nicely into the PowerCommands for Reflector project I work on (

Are you just wanting to export a listing of the (unexpanded) nodes in the tree ... say under 'Used By'? I could write a export or copy as text to output the node list as text. Is that about what you are looking for?

Jason Haley
Yeah, exactly. When I click on a Type inside an assembly and you get the option to analyze, all that information would be awesome to be available for export. Bonus would be the ability to export-analyze all Types in an assembly. Thanks!
Allan Palmer
I'll see what I can do.
Jason Haley
Sorry it took so long, but the latest build of PowerCommands for Reflector (1.3.1) now contains a command named 'Export Analyzer Tree' - which will allow you to export the tree to a text file. Let me know what you think (if you get a chance).
Jason Haley