Using SQL Server 2000
Select id, CONVERT(char(8), CASE WHEN DateAdd(Day, - DateDiff(Day, 0, OutTime), OutTime) > Normal_Outtime THEN Cast(Normal_Outtime AS datetime) ELSE DateAdd(Day, - DateDiff(Day, 0, OutTime), OutTime) END - CASE WHEN DateAdd(Day, - DateDiff(Day, 0, InTime), InTime) < Normal_Intime THEN Cast(Normal_Intime AS datetime) ELSE DateAdd(Day, - DateDiff(Day, 0, InTime), InTime) END - cast(totalLunchtime AS datetime), 8) ELSE '00:00:00' END AS WorkedTime
from table
From the above query, doing outtime - intime - totallunchtime
column datatypes are varchar
Id Intime Outtime totallunchtime
001 09:00:00 21:00:00 01:00:00
002 07:00:00 07:30:00 01:00:00
003 00:00:00 00:00:00 01:00:00
WorkedTime means (outtime - Intime - totalLunchtime)
Getting Output like this
id workedtime
001 11:00:00
002 23:30:00
003 23:00:00
Only the problem of totallunchtime while minus 00:00:00 it giving 23:00:00 and also for personid 002 it giving 23:30:00 it should give only 00:30:00
Expected output
id workedtime
001 11:00:00
002 00:23:00
003 00:00:00
so on...,
Need Query Help