



I'm having trouble adding an image to a page in OneNote 2007. I can create sections, notebooks and pages with content, but I'm having trouble adding an image to the page.

I call UpdatePageContent and pass in the xml but I get an invalid XML message (hresult 0x80042001) back. Any assistance appreciated. Here is the XML I'm trying to update the page with:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<one:Page xmlns:one="" ID="{E1C8B8F6-6E07-4986-BD90-40E7D55DE31C}{1}{B0}" name="1" dateTime="2009-10-02T16:39:36.000Z" lastModifiedTime="2009-10-02T16:39:40.000Z">
  <one:PageSettings RTL="false" color="automatic">
    <one:RuleLines visible="false"/>
  <one:Title style="font-family:Calibri;font-size:17.0pt" lang="en-US">
    <one:OE author="Chapman, Jeremy" lastModifiedBy="Chapman, Jeremy" creationTime="2009-10-02T16:39:38.000Z" lastModifiedTime="2009-10-02T16:39:39.000Z" objectID="{722FED92-FCC8-45D5-89CB-A2F506E92A66}{31}{B0}" alignment="left">
  <one:Image  format="png">
    <one:Position x="0" y="0" z="0" />
    <one:Size width="90" height="90" />
    <one:Data>aWgzVisZWZxTGNlNHQ      ...       9SSzVDWUlJPQ==</one:Data>