It's best to use a consistent set of rules across a team/project, regardless of how they are enforced (by a CA tool or code reviews, etc).
In the absence of a clear standard on a given point, you need to relax your rules (or resharper's) to accept things that other programmers do, even if they don't fit your personal style. Indeed, programmers are all individuals and you will never find two such people who do things exactly the same - some flexibility is always needed.
CA tools often make time-wasting suggestions (the majority of suggestions are pretty rubbish in my experience). What I mean is that if all the members on your team can effectively read, understand, and maintain a piece of code as it is written, then there is often little point refactoring that code - beware of wasting time trying to satisfy Resharper when the changes you are making aren't going to really make any difference to the readability, maintainability, robustness, portability, or efficiency of your code. Turn off these warnings rather than wasting time refactoring your code.
Having said that, you should definitely campaign and promote CA to your team and your manager. The team/project will benefit, and everyone will personally benefit from the use of CA tools.