Those of us who use multiple languages to solve problems can combine them in a lot of ways. Personally I use PL/SQL, XSLT, JavaScript, and Java plus the pseudo languages HTML, XML, CSS, Ant, and Bash. What do you use?
I have a D/MySQL/JavaScript[1]/HTML/CPP[2] app.
[1] compile time D template generated [2] C pre-processor used to generate apache configs and SQL sprocs
Yes, I am trying to take things to the insane! ;)
2008-09-30 00:30:33
Paraphrasing one of my favorite quotes:
Always write your code as if it were going to be maintained by a homicidal maniac that knows your home address.
2008-09-30 00:34:56
I work on a desktop application, so my alphabet soup looks like: C# and C++ as well as XML and T-SQL.
2008-09-30 00:46:08