We have a web-based application, backed by a MySQL database.
One part of the system that we're coding requires us to store attendance (i.e. yes/no) to sessions for users for each day of a week. For example, we'd need to store Monday through to Friday, then for each day, morning, lunch, afternoon, evening sessions etc. So essentially it's a 2-dim array.
I was wondering what's the cleanest way of storing this in the database?
At the moment, the person working on this seems to be leaning towards storing this as one int for each day, with 1's representing attendance and 0's representing not attending. I think what the mean to do is use a bitmask (e.g. 13 for 1101, so every session except afternoon). They're just storing it as actually 0's and 1's for some strange reason.
I thought it might be easier to store it as a list of bools (bits/tinyints), e.g. monday_morning, monday_lunch, monday_afternoon etc., as it's semantically more "correct" (I think?), it'll probably be easier to extend/maintain, and I also seem to be the only one on the team with any inkling of how to do bit-operations...lol.
Another way I was thinking was just to have a 1:1 table for each user, with a list of all the times they are attending, for example. Efficiency of this approach? (Not sure what sort of read/write patterns, but I'm guessing a fairly even spread of read/modifies).
What are some recommendations on this? Or are there better ways of storing this data?
Also, as a side-note, it probably will be boolean - it'd doubtful we'll need to store more states than attending/not-attending in the table, and if we do, we are prepared to re-work the schema. Or do people suggest strongly going for ints over bits?
Cheers, Victor