How can I bind the default Window background color of the theme to a Window background?
I've tried the following:
<Window x:Class="Shell"
Background="{DynamicResource WindowBackgroundBrush}"
But the background color renders as black and that does not seem right when using the Luna theme. Using the Luna theme I would expect the beige/brownish color often found in Windows XP.
UPDATE: After reading your answers, playing with StyleSnooper and thinking some more about this I've come to the following conclusion:
The Window will use SystemColors.WindowBrush as its background color by default. This color is white in most themes i've tried and that is probably OK. I believe white is also the Window background color in WinForms. However, the default Form background color in WinForms is not Window background but Control. So, if I want that color I have use SystemColors.ControlBrush
as pointed out by Lucas.
At one point I was trying to achieve the brownish/beige Control color of WinForms on Windows XP. This is probably not possible on Windows Vista since Control color on Vista is kind of gray. Running a WinForms application on Windows Vista will not render it as beige/brownish, but gray. In this case I guess we have to apply our own custom styles to achieve the "original" Windows XP look on Vista.
Thanks everyone for helping me sort this out!