I have objects: type A (Id, Name), type B (AId, Description).
I want to make relation 1-to-1 (and create it 1-to-[0..1]). All works great exept deleting objects of type A. When I'm trying to delete some object from type A exception occurs.
A relationship is being added or deleted from an AssociationSet ‘...’. With cardinality constraints, a corresponding ‘...’ must also be added or deleted.
Im searched for solution (found editing CSDL for many-to-many), but nothing helps. There is also cascade action defined in the table in Database.
Any suggestions?
UPD: Thanks for answers. Let's say more clear.
I don't want to implement inheretance betwen A and B
I try to fix problem by editing edmx file (like this http://codepolice.net/2008/12/16/cascade-delete-in-entity-framework/), but no luck. Seems it's only worked for one-to-many.
I just want to have 2 objects with one-to-one relation. For example, Order and OrderDetails. I expected automatic creating/deleting OrderDetails for every Order I have.