Hi, I want to download a file from a FTP server in the other Thread. The problem is, this thread causes that my application is freezed. Here You have the code, what am I doing wrong? Any help will by grateful :)
(Of course I want to stop looping until the thread 'ReadBytesThread' terminates.) I make a new thread:
DownloadThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(DownloadFiles));
private void DownloadFiles()
if (DownloadListView.InvokeRequired)
MyDownloadDeleg = new DownloadDelegate(Download);
private void Download()
foreach (DownloadingFile df in DownloadingFileList)
if (df.Size != "<DIR>") //don't download a directory
ReadBytesThread = new Thread(() => {
FileData = sendPassiveFTPcmd("RETR " + df.Path + "/" + df.Name + "\r\n");
FileStream fs = new FileStream(@"C:\Downloads\" + df.Name, FileMode.Append);
fs.Write(FileData, 0, FileData.Length);
(here->) ReadBytesThread.Join();