I was using SortedList() in a class which stores about 15-100K data.
Recently my requirements changed, data should not be stored as sorted any more so I switched to List().
However in this case I noticed that List() consumes about 20%+ more memory.
9K items:
- SortedList: 105MB
- List: 125MB
15K items:
- SortedList: 115MB
- List: 140MB
In the environment I develop, memory is quite crucial. Instead of List() what can I use to avoid this extra memory consumption and still have a non-sorted list?
P.S. I do use a HashSet(Of String) to provide uniqueness check while using List(Of) to simulate SortedList.ContainsKey() although I don't think it can bring such memory overhead.
P.S. 2: My app has got about 80 MB base memory allocation in the startup. So numbers should read as 105-80=25, 125-80 =45 and so on
Thanks for the all answers, final results are:
- You should set the correct capacity to save memory
- Hashset is very bad about memory, and consumes way more than expectations. This was the problem. Somehow SortedList() manages to use less memory for a similar functionality.
Some Bencmarks: 500 chars, 250000 insert
List(OF STring)(50000)
274 ms - 226 MB
SortedList(Of String, String)(50000)
34868 ms - 230 Mb
420 ms - 232 MB
Dictionary(OF String, Object)
486 ms - 234 MB
Although when I changed decreased count to 25, then:
Hashset for 600.000 iteration 300 Mb where List() is 286 Mb
Also about Hashset memory usage: http://blog.mischel.com/2008/04/09/hashset-limitations/ Dictionary(Of string, object) was not much better either in my test.