



I have seen some good recommendations here before about using the VisualBasic assemblies (WindowsFormsApplicationBase) to nicely create a splash screen followed by the main form.

I have an app that I want to put into some sort of loop whereby I want to repeat this cycle. For example during the splash screen I login to an available server (there are several to choose from), once successful it goes away and the main form shows. If during the running of the app it then detects the connection to its current server is lost I want to again hide the main form, and start the whole login process (with splash screen again). i.e. the app will be running if it has a connection to the server or not and will only exit if the user tells it too.

In the example that I saw in another post the OnCreateMainForm() is overridden and at the end MainForm is set. Using something along these lines how do I start the whole process again?