Just having Unicode support does not help you a lot. What you should be looking for in the language is a complete framework from top to bottom that support multi-langual functionality. So the GUI supports rendering text either from top to boom, right to left, then boom to top. Then the rich text support and backwards compatibility with win32 API functions.
Web friendly depends on either you're focusing on either using commercial product off the shelf. This could be .net where you will need to purchase Microsoft's IDE and MSDN documentation to get the fullest out of the product. Without the MSDN documentation and the rich support and knowledge in the MSDN library you will be only hopping along slowly.
If your from the asia pacific region, you will want to be looking at other free alternatives. This includes Java for the programming language or PHP or even ruby on rails. Though the extent of those technologies and how far you can go with them really requires somebody specialized in those tool sets to respond.
So to sum it all up.
Just having UNI-Code friendly language is not the complete story. You need the framework to support this throughout the language or you will be constantly battling different 3rd party developers implimentations.
If you in the asia pacific and because of the bussiness over there and reducing price go with open source technologies this could be PHP or Ruby on rails. Alternativly if your in the Europe or UK, States your better off going and purchasing your developers Microsoft .net development platform and building your software on their technology stack.