I am working on a ASP.NET web application. I have this well known issue: each user can belong to one or several roles (admin, public users), and each role can have one or several permissions (can edit, can delete, can upload, etc.) and vice versa. I want to do smth like this: [http://demo.sitefinity.com/Sitefinity/Admin/Modules.aspx?route=GenericControlPanel.PermissionsView`1].
I found these options to implement this:
- using NetSqlAzMan (but I am not sure it will work with our application, as our users are not stored in the same db than the application, and as we are using forms authentication)
- implementing my own classes which enable me to do: User.HasPermission / AddPermissionToUser / etc.
- using 2 role providers: one to manage the roles, one to manage permissions, knowing that these providers will be "linked", because of the m:n relationship between roles and permissions.
- I am using right now a custom role provider, so another option would be to add the methods to manage permissions to this provider.
I want also to cache roles and permissions for a given user. I think it will take me some time to do this on my own, so what do you suggest me?
Thank you in advance