



I'm going to convince our managers to order Pragmatic Programmers bookshelf. If I backup my idea with some success stories from you or your company, I think they'll listen more carefully :). Or maybe vice versa: if you say it was total waste for you, I may give up with my intention.

Wanted to ask this question directly to /\ndy Hunt, but I have a gut feeling he will never see it among other 1K emails he receives daily.

PS: I'm not working for /\ndy or Dave. I just know their books makes me more productive and successful :).

+1  A: 

I'm not so sure you will get far giving you managers examples of how this has helped other companies. Instead try to find examples of how having it in the past would have save you or your colleagues time or money as they might find that a lot more relevant.


Thank you Ian! That's good advice.