A classic rule in Windows is that you can't change the focus during a focus-changing event. The OnDeactivate
event occurs during a focus-changing event. Your form is being told that it is being deactivated — the OS is not asking permission — and at the same time, the other form is being told that it is being activated. Neither window has any say in the matter, and attempting to change the focus while these events are going on will only get all the windows confused. Symptoms include having two windows painting themselves as though they have focus, and having keyboard messages go nowhere despite the input cursor blinking. MSDN is even more dire, although I've never witnessed anything that bad:
While processing this message [WM_KILLFOCUS], do not make any function calls that display or activate a window. This causes the thread to yield control and can cause the application to stop responding to messages. For more information, see Message Deadlocks.
Since you can't deny a focus change after it's already started, the thing to do is to delay handling of the event until after things have settled down. When your editing form gets deactivated and the data on it isn't valid yet, post the form a message. Posting puts the message on the end of the message queue, so it won't get handled until all previous messages — the focus-changing notifications in particular — have already been handled. When the message arrives, indicate that data is invalid and set focus back to the editing form:
efm_InvalidData = wm_User + 1;
TEditForm = class(TForm)
procedure EFMInvalidData(var Msg: TMessage); message efm_InvalidData;
procedure TEditForm.FormDeactivate(Sender: TObject);
if DataNotValid then
PostMessage(Handle, efm_InvalidData, 0, 0);
procedure TEditForm.EFMInvalidData(var Msg: TMessage);
ShowMessage('Invalid data');
I should point out that this answer doesn't technically answer your question since it does nothing to prevent form deactivation, but you rejected my other answer that really does prevent deactivation.