



I've created a custom jQuery function and I want to call it for every match of an element on the page when it loads. The syntax I'm using to call the function:

$(document).ready(function() {

That syntax does nothing. The fixClassesForIE6 function is never called.

I think I maybe need to use 'trigger' in some form? But I'm not entirely sure.

Ultimately, I want:

  1. the page to load
  2. find all DIV elements on the page with class1 and class2
  3. Trigger my function for each match

For selecting all DIV elements on the page with class1 and class2, I think that you should use $("div.class1,div.class2") instead.

For doing something for each matching div w/ class1 or class 2, i think that you can use the each() function here?

       //do something here
I'm guessing DA is looking for elements that have both of those classes, not different elements that have either class.
ScottE: agreed. `.class1.class2` is perfectly valid for this.
Roatin Marth
Indeed, I'm looking for BOTH classes. Hence the 'fixIE6' part of the function name. You can't attach CSS using double-class names in IE6, so I'm creating a jQuery script to fix that.
+1  A: 

I can see 2 possible problems:

1) Your selector is wrong. You can confirm this by executing your selector, by itself, in a JavaScript debugger, such as FireBug for Firefox.

2) The method fixClassesForIE6() ... is that your method? I do not recognize it as a JQuery method. If it is your method, then this will not work - because you are calling it on the results of the selector, which don't have that method. Instead, try something like:

$(document).ready(function() { 
    var elements = $("div.class1.class2");
    elements.each(function(){ fixClassesForIE6(this, "a","b"); });
Hmm...sorry, YES, that was my own method. I completely omitted that. Here's where I ended up and this seems to be working: $.fn.fixClassesForIE6 = function(class1, class2){ alert("function called!");};$(document).ready(function() { $("div.class1.class2").fixClassesForIE6("","");}); If I run that, it will pop up an alert for each and every DIV on have on the page with both classes 'class1' and 'class2'.

Define fixClassesForIE6 using the plugin syntax, and all should be good:

(function($) {
        fixClassesForIE6: function() {
            return this.each(function() {
                // plugin logic goes here

If you've done that and it's not working, then you've got problematic code elsewhere.

Roatin Marth
Well, I'm a dope. I didn't actually post the code I was using to delcare my function. Well, in the interim, I managed to figure things out. I ended up using this syntax:$.fn.$.fn.fixClassesForIE6 = function(myVar1, myVar2){ logic...};And it seems to work! I assume the plug in syntax might be a bit verbose if one doesn't need it to be a plugin? (That said, for what I'm doing, this might make more sense as a plugin anyways...)