I've been trying to find an answer to this question for a few hours now on the web and on this site, and I'm not quite there.
I understand that .NET allocates 1MB to apps, and that it's best to avoid stack overflow by recoding instead of forcing stack size.
I'm working on a "shortest path" app that works great up to about 3000 nodes, at which point it overflows. Here's the method that causes problems:
public void findShortestPath(int current, int end, int currentCost)
if (!weight.ContainsKey(current))
weight.Add(current, currentCost);
Node currentNode = graph[current];
var sortedEdges = (from entry in currentNode.edges orderby entry.Value ascending select entry);
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, int> nextNode in sortedEdges)
if (!visited.ContainsKey(nextNode.Key) || !visited[nextNode.Key])
int nextNodeCost = currentCost + nextNode.Value;
if (!weight.ContainsKey(nextNode.Key))
weight.Add(nextNode.Key, nextNodeCost);
else if (weight[nextNode.Key] > nextNodeCost)
weight[nextNode.Key] = nextNodeCost;
visited.Add(current, true);
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, int> nextNode in sortedEdges)
if(!visited.ContainsKey(nextNode.Key) || !visited[nextNode.Key]){
findShortestPath(nextNode.Key, end, weight[nextNode.Key]);
For reference, the Node class has one member:
public Dictionary<int, int> edges = new Dictionary<int, int>();
graph[] is:
private Dictionary<int, Node> graph = new Dictonary<int, Node>();
I've tried to opimize the code so that it isn't carrying any more baggage than needed from one iteration (recursion?) to the next, but with a 100K-Node graph with each node having between 1-9 edges it's going to hit that 1MB limit pretty quickly.
Anyway, I'm new to C# and code optimization, if anyone could give me some pointers (not like this) I would appreciate it.