data Expr = Var Char | Tall Int | Sum Expr Expr | Mult Expr Expr | Neg Expr | Let Expr Expr Expr
deriving(Eq, Show)
That is the datatype for Expr
, I have a few questions. I'm suppose to parse expressions like *(Expr,Expr)
as shown in the datatype definition. However I do have some problems with "creating" a valid Expr
. I use pattern matching for recognizing the different things Expr can be. Some more code:
parseExpr :: String -> (Expr, String)
parseExpr ('*':'(':x:',':y:')':s) = (Mult (parseExpr [x] parseExpr [y]),s)
This is not working, obviously. The return type of parseExpr
is to return the rest of the expression that is to be parsed an a portion of the parsed code as an Expr
. The right side of this code is the problem. I can't make a valid Expr
. The function is suppose to call it self recursively until the problem is solved.
ANOTHER problem is that I don't know how to do the pattern matching against Var
and Tall
. How can I check that Var
is an uppercase character between A-Z and that Tall
is 0-9 and return it as a valid Expr
Generally I can just look at a few parts of the string to understand what part of Expr
I'm dealing with.
Input like: parseProg "let X be 9 in *(X , 2)" Would spit out: Let (Var 'X') (Tall 9) (Mult (Var 'X') (Tall 2))