



Are there a set of default CSS values that should be in place when using JQuery UI elements. I have been working with the datepicker control and initially the control displayed about 3 times the size on the JQuery UI demo site.

This was due to the font size we were setting in our CSS. Setting the property font-size: 62.5%; in the body tag of our CSS fixed the overall width of the date control, but it is still about twice as tall. I presume this is due to some margin or line spacing issues in table elements in our CSS, but have not been able to resolve these completely.

Is there a set of default CSS values and sizes or overrides that should be adhered to that ensures that the JQuery UI elements display correctly given their use of em size references?

+1  A: 

I would suggest using a reset.css style sheet on every site to help with cross browser inconsistencies as well as things like this.

Try Eric Meyer's reset

Good info. I finally found the offending default in our css. The <a> element had been overridden to have a 10px bottom margin that was pushing the calendar to be twice as wide.