




More specifically, given an arbritary package name I need to retrieve the same library-dirs field that can be obtained with the ghc-pkg describe command from inside a running Haskell program.


If you're using cabal to configure and build your program/library you can used the autogenerated Paths_* module.

For example, if you have a foo.cabal file, cabal will generate a Paths_foo module (see its source under dist/build/autogen) which you can import. This module exports a function getLibDir :: IO FilePath which has the value you're looking for.

Tom Lokhorst
Thanks for the answer, but that's not what I'm looking for. I need to retrieve the lib dirs for other installed packages, not my own.
Thiago Arrais
+1  A: 

The format of the installed packages database is Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo.

import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo
import Distribution.Package
import Distribution.Text
import GHC.Paths
import System
import System.FilePath
main = do
    name:_ <- getArgs
    packages <- fmap read $ readFile $ joinPath [libdir, "package.conf"]
    let matches = filter ((PackageName name ==) . pkgName . package) packages
    mapM_ (print . libraryDirs) (matches :: [InstalledPackageInfo_ String])

This doesn't obey the user's package configuration, but should be a start.

+2  A: 

Ask Duncan Coutts on the haskell-cafe@ or cabal mailing lists. (I'm serious. That is a better forum for Cabal questions than stack overflow).

Sometimes you just have to point people at a different forum.

Don Stewart

Here's what I could come up with by peeking into the ghc-pkg source code.

The getPkgInfos function returns the package definitions for all installed packages (hopefully including user-installed packages). With this in your hands, you can retrieve the library directories and other package information. See the documentation for details.

The GHC_PKGCONF variable needs to point to the global package config file for systems where it isn't located at the usual place. ghc-pkg solves this problem by receiving a command line flag via a wrapper script in Ubuntu, for instance.

import qualified Config
import qualified System.Info
import Data.List
import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo
import GHC.Paths
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import System.FilePath
import System.IO.Error

getPkgInfos :: IO [InstalledPackageInfo]
getPkgInfos = do
    global_conf <-
        catch (getEnv "GHC_PKGCONF")
              (\err ->  if isDoesNotExistError err
                            then do let dir = takeDirectory $ takeDirectory ghc_pkg
                                        path1 = dir </> "package.conf"
                                        path2 = dir </> ".." </> ".." </> ".."
                                                    </> "inplace-datadir"
                                                    </> "package.conf"
                                    exists1 <- doesFileExist path1
                                    exists2 <- doesFileExist path2
                                    if exists1 then return path1
                                       else if exists2 then return path2
                                       else ioError $ userError "Can't find package.conf"
                            else ioError err)

    let global_conf_dir = global_conf ++ ".d"
    global_conf_dir_exists <- doesDirectoryExist global_conf_dir
    global_confs <-
        if global_conf_dir_exists
            then do files <- getDirectoryContents global_conf_dir
                    return  [ global_conf_dir ++ '/' : file
                            | file <- files
                            , isSuffixOf ".conf" file]
            else return []

    user_conf <-
        try (getAppUserDataDirectory "ghc") >>= either
            (\_ -> return [])
            (\appdir -> do
                let subdir = currentArch ++ '-':currentOS ++ '-':ghcVersion
                    user_conf = appdir </> subdir </> "package.conf"
                user_exists <- doesFileExist user_conf
                return (if user_exists then [user_conf] else []))

    let pkg_dbs = user_conf ++ global_confs ++ [global_conf]
    return.concat =<< mapM ((>>= return.read).readFile) pkg_dbs

currentArch = System.Info.arch
currentOS = System.Info.os
ghcVersion = Config.cProjectVersion

I wrote this code myself, but it was largely inspired by ghc-pkg (with some pieces copied verbatim). The original code was licensed under a BSD-style license, I think this can be distributed under the cc-wiki license all Stackoverflow content is under, but I'm not really sure. Anyway, as anything else, I did some initial testing and it seems to work, but use it at your own risk.

Thiago Arrais
Yeah, that's basically a more comprehensive version of what I wrote -- instead of using only one hard-coded `%GHC_ROOT%/package.conf`, I think you've found all of the ones in regular use.
I tried to find all the ones that ghc-pkg finds in order to mimic its behaviour.
Thiago Arrais