



It is possible to export/print Visual Studio test results in some document format, maybe including test details? Thanks

+1  A: 

I don't know MSTest all too good, but you can run the Visual Studio tests via the Gallio framework (which is free, you can get it here), and that gives a very nice (and very detailed) test report.


Thomas Weller
I'm testing Gallio, that would be good, but it is not working both in the Icaro gui or in visual studio with resharper, issuing BadImageFormatExceptions.
Valerio Manfredi
Ups, never heard about this issue. I'm sorry for you. Maybe you can submit an issue to the Gallio dev team, they're usually quite responsive.I personally am working with Gallio+MbUnit+R# for almost three years now, and I never had serious problems...
Thomas Weller
I'm searching for a some how to for Gallio, but no luck. I've simply loaded the test dll assembly generated by visual studio in Icarus, and after pressing play, i get a "Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation."
Valerio Manfredi