



Doing File.WriteAllText to a remote path throws UnauthorizedAccessException. When I open the file in notepad I can edit it without a problem. The process that's trying to modify the file is running as my own user account, so it should be able to access it.

+3  A: 

According to MSDN, UnauthorizedAccessException can also be caused by:

path specified a file that is read-only.


This operation is not supported on the current platform.


path specified a directory.

Is it possible one of these conditions is the cause of your problem?

Jay Riggs
Ouch, correct, it was a directory. Silly me.

I believe you also get this exception (although its not documented) if the file is being locked by another process or thread.

Make sure nothing else has opened the file in a manner that prohibits writing. Notepad is not a good test for seeing if a file is locked, since it will open a locked file (ie: read-only files are fine).

Reed Copsey
In notepad I can actually edit the file. Why can't I modify it from .Net?
Try SAVING the file. Notepad will always open a file unless it's locked for exclusive read (which is very rare) - but you won't be able to save it over the top, usually - you'll have to use SaveAs...
Reed Copsey