I will soon begin the painful*(kidding)* process of migrating multiple, separate, Access Applications to "Real" applications*(notice the quotes, no flame wars please)*. Most likely this will be Web Apps as the usual reason is multiple users and deployability but I will take it case by case.
Some of these are traditional Access apps using Access as the back end and others are using SQL Server(a central one) as the back end.
What I am looking for is a combination of your experience doing this and what resources you used to help.
Websites, apps, standards, best practices, gotcha's, don't forget's, etcetera.
I am a 1 person C# shop with SQL Server back end so whether Web or not I will be looking that direction.
Also, is it overkill or unattainable to try and develop a Framework for this kind of thing? Would there just be TOO MANY variables to even try and walk this path? Anyone ever try this?
Some further info based on below questions. We currently have ~250 users and they are spread between 5 Locations.
What I meant by deployability is perhaps a little vague. I simply meant that we are a Non-Profit Organization and as such we do not have the best bandwidth available so deploying full apps, even through ClickOnce can be tricky when combinded with the highly fickle nature of my users*(I want that box purple, no green, no get rid of it altogether type stuff...)*.
My idea is to try and develop a "framework", of sorts, that will help to streamline the process of moving an Access App to a .Net App.
Now I fully understand that this "framework" may be nothing more than a set of steps and guidelines; like, Use ORM*(LINQ2SQL or SubSonic)*to generate DAL, Copy UI to corresponding UserControls, rewrite Business Logic.
I am just looking for your experience/expertise to help me streamline my streamlining process... ;)