+2  A: 

I understand it as the reason your control is not receiving the new value from the maim page is that you are setting the DataContext of the control. If you hadn't then the control's DataContext will be inherited from its parent, the main page in this case.

To get this to work I removed you control's DataContext setting, added an x:Name to each control and set the binding in the constructor of the control using the [name].SetBinding method.

I did the binding in the ctor as I couldn't figure out a way of setting the Source property of the declarative binding in the xaml to Self. i.e. {Binding SelectedText, Mode=TwoWay, Source=[Self here some how]}. I did try using RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self} with no joy.

NOTE: All this is SL3.

Yes! those have been my exact steps since this posting as well! I'll post some code it a bit. Thanks for the help. p.s. RelativeSource=Self does not work because the DataContext becomes the TextBox, not the UserControl.
Aaron Hoffman
Of course. That makes total sense. Thanks for letting me know.
+1  A: 

The Issue was the UserControl was throwing a DataBinding error (visible in the Output window while debugging)

Because The UserControl's DataContext was set to "Self" in its own xaml, it was looking for the MainPageSelectedText within its own context (it was not looking for the MainPageSelectedText within the "MainPage" which is where you might think it would look, because when you are physically writing/looking at the code that is what is in "context")

I was able to get this "working" by setting the Binding in the code behind. Setting the binding in the code behind is the only way to set the UserControl itself as the "Source" of the binding. But this only works if the Binding is TwoWay. OneWay binding will break this code. A better solution altogether would be to create a Silverlight Control, not a UserControl.

See Also: http://forums.silverlight.net/forums/p/133665/299136.aspx#299136 & http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc278064(VS.95).aspx


   <TextBox x:Name="UserControlTextBox" />
   <Border BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="1">
    <TextBlock x:Name="UserControlTextBlock" Height="24"></TextBlock>


namespace SilverlightCustomUserControl
 public partial class MyCustomUserControl : UserControl

  public string SelectedText
   get { return (string)GetValue(SelectedTextProperty); }
   set { SetValue(SelectedTextProperty, value); }

  public static readonly DependencyProperty SelectedTextProperty =
    DependencyProperty.Register("SelectedText", typeof(string), typeof(MyCustomUserControl), new PropertyMetadata("", SelectedText_PropertyChangedCallback));

  public MyCustomUserControl()

               //SEE HERE
   UserControlTextBox.SetBinding(TextBox.TextProperty, new Binding() { Source = this, Path = new PropertyPath("SelectedText"), Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay });
   UserControlTextBlock.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, new Binding() { Source = this, Path = new PropertyPath("SelectedText") });
               //SEE HERE

  private static void SelectedText_PropertyChangedCallback(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)

Aaron Hoffman

Any help on making this work for a ComboBox?

I have it working just fine with a TextBox, but I can't get the SelectedValueProperty of teh ComboBox to get set.

thanks for any help.
